Bob Dylan & Memphis Musings

Late post from March 30, but time is an illusion, time is a jet plane, time out of mind. This was a Memphis trek, in and out to see Bobby D one more time, at the Orpheum Theater. Great old palace, Elvis loved it and rented it out a lot, before the days of movieContinue reading "Bob Dylan & Memphis Musings"

Red Cathedral – The Ravens Perch

Pleased to have new work of mine “Red Cathedral,” featured in the latest edition of “The Raven’s Perch,”  a wonderful and well-respected literary zine. It’s a piece of creative non-fiction, falling in the world between story and scenario, poetry and prose. Enjoy.

Serge and Jane

Next up on the Paris musing - shots from the Serge Gainsbourg/Jane Birkin house and museum, starting with a cool graffiti artwork from the facade. I really let my son Jude dictate whatever we were going to do on this Paris trek except I did push for this, although he is a fan and evenContinue reading "Serge and Jane"

Trailblazers (Musee Melies)

When my son Jude was little, we had a bunch of routines, including a weekly Pizza Party Movie Night. This one carried on until he went to college, really, and over the years it included everything from typical kid movies to classics to new releases to foreign films to the silent comedies of masters likeContinue reading "Trailblazers (Musee Melies)"

Perfect Days

The other day I went to see the new Wim Wenders movie, “Perfect Days” at the Belcourt, here in Nashville. Can’t recommend it enough – beautiful film about dignity, grace, presence, and the simple fact that sometimes, navigating each day is its own challenge and reward. The film unfolds quietly and there isn’t much dialogue,Continue reading "Perfect Days"